

I’m Virgile, the creator behind this template. I really hope that you enjoy the content. In this page you’ll find a summary of what this template do, some resources to deep-dive into this practice. Regarding the resources I try to be as unbiased as possible but I… might fail to do so. At the end of this page, you’ll find informations about me and my work.

Enjoy !


<aside> <img src="/icons/couch_purple.svg" alt="/icons/couch_purple.svg" width="40px" />

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Within this product you will find one duplicable template

Keep in mind that this template is just a mere guideline, the goal of it is to give you a framework and the tools/resources to say as much as possible on you.

The informations must seem relevant to you and genuine to your team or coworkers.

You can delete any questions (and its block) if you don’t want it.

Know your limits and don’t overshare if you’re not confortable doing so.

Here is the template to duplicate ↙️

Heavy box-bro (2).png

Exit interview

Reading glasses-bro (1).png

What is an exit interview?

It is a part of the offboarding phase and it is often discarded. The exit interview is the final interview with a departing collaborator. Most of the time, it is hosted by a manager or someone from the HR team. It is designed to do two things:


Depending on the reason behind a departure an exit interview can become pretty awkward and unconfortable.

The collaborator could be hesitant in being truthful and the meeting could just be a loss of time for every party involved.

Nonetheless it stay relevant to do it because some truth or half-truth my come out, helping the company to improve after a bit of filtering.

Reading glasses-bro (1).png

Asset selection-bro (1).png


I always try and list a few ressources that might help you or your team. Here is what I could find. There are ressources for both manager and direct reports (individual contributor or not).


What is an exit interview and why is it so important?

Why Are Exit Interviews Important?

Exit Interviews: Their Purpose & Best Practices

[Exit Interviews: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly](https://bluelynx.com/blog/exit-interviews-the-good-the-bad-the-ugly/#:~:text=It could be awkward or uncomfortable&text=Respectively%2C it's possible that nothing,and provide no clear benefit.)

That’s it for the content, I hope that it suits your needs.

Below, you’ll find a feedback form, some informations about what I do and ways to contact me.

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/6d4ce9c3-3639-428f-b62b-1c3916a9b492/c469f71d-2b25-4f9f-bd61-f5ad8b3df7b3/optus_warhole_41160_A_metis_looks_at_the_bright_purple_sky._H_7f2040ab-ffb3-494f-aa34-b0b463b98a3c_0.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/6d4ce9c3-3639-428f-b62b-1c3916a9b492/c469f71d-2b25-4f9f-bd61-f5ad8b3df7b3/optus_warhole_41160_A_metis_looks_at_the_bright_purple_sky._H_7f2040ab-ffb3-494f-aa34-b0b463b98a3c_0.png" width="40px" /> Made by Virgile with 💜

This part of the template is just for support. Delete it by hovering the block on the top left corner, click the “drag&drop” icon and click on delete.


Reach me !



